SEA CLOUD CRUISES intends to offer voyages in the USA with one of its ships. In the event of any non-performance issues arising in this context, please consider the following process:
Customers are requested to initially contact SEA CLOUD CRUISES GmbH:
An der Alster 9
20099 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40-30 95 92-50
E-mail: info@seacloud.com
If the passenger is unable to resolve the claim, the customer can then reach out to the Guarantor’s legal agent:
Freehill Hogan & Mahar LLP
80 Pine Street, 25th Floor
New York, 10005-1759
Phone: +1 212-425-1900
E-mail: reception@freehill.com
Freehill Hogan & Mahar acts as the legal representative for Steamship Insurance Management:
Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Europe) Limited
Contact: Elpida Kalathia
Phone: +357 25268460 (Office)
Mobile: +357 94040570
E-mail: elpida.kalathia@simsl.com